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Market Research

PMG has developed proven methodologies to assure timely and accurate results for each and every client. Whether calling Information Security Officers, Production Chain Managers, or Shipping Specialists, PMG assures accurate information that has been answered by the appropriate contact.

Target Market Definition

PMG has refined the process of target market definition to better help clients understand their markets, their products, and the shifting dynamics that influence their business. By identifying which verticals are utilizing which products, PMG can help focus sales efforts in the appropriate direction. Utilizing this data will eliminate large populations of dead-ends and identify those target areas most likely to convert to sales.

Analysis & Metrics

PMG not only provides clients with information; we provide a complete market solution. While the data itself can show overwhelming trends, PMG prides itself on digging deeper to tell the whole story. The expert market research team can break down research results to reveal motivation behind decisions and how that can affect sales strategies moving forwards.

Data Quality & Audit

There are many ways to research market trends and client satisfaction. Internet and email platforms offer the ability to gather quantitative data; however there is no way to guarantee that the information is being provided by the appropriate contact, that it is correct, or that it is up to date. When your budget is on the line, you need the most accurate information available, and that’s what PMG is here for.